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by Product area Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for 14.0 FP214.0 FP2
SGHHCYGM3EServer - Calendar - Fixed an issue where Cyrillic characters were not displaying properly for meeting invitations received from WebEx. This was...
TMAICWHDAYServer - SMTP Server - Fixed an issue where when the Domino SMTP Server received a message with attachments whose names differed only in pitch...
JPAID2HKEQServer - Mail Routing - Fixed an issue where mail messages were not being delivered to clustermate when the user's Home Server in the cluster was...
MOBND2NLG9Server - DirSync - Fixed an issue where if a DA host was changed from an LDAP sprayer host to a dedicated host the Dirsync config doc wasn't...
MOBNCZBN48Server - Directory Services - Entitlement Tracking - Fixed an issue where person documents that have no Certificate nor password but do authenticate...
NGRTD3AC54Server - Database - Fixed a deadlock that could occur between http and Traveler, resulting in a server hang.
DCKTD49HKVServer - DAOS - Added additional length information to objectinfo verbose logging output
SRAOCXYMHEServer - Securitty - Fixed handling different format/padding of SAML Encrypted assertions while using AES-CBC algorithm by SAML IDPs like...
MOBNCY2KBGServer - LDAP - Added a new Notes INI - LDAP_USE_HTTP_TRUSTED_IP_LIST_FOR_LOCKOUT_EXEMPTION=1 - to allow a customer to exempt certain IP addresses to...
PWAGD4ER4QServer - Database - DAOS - Fixed an issue where when using the new functionality in 14.0 FP1 "Tell daosmgr repair <databasename.nsf>" with Tier 2...
MOBND4NK7DServer - Directory - Fixed an issue where NAMELookup was returning a time out error (7286) when it shouldn't. This resulted in router non...
MOBND2DM7ZServer - Entitlement Aggregator - Fixed an issue where the entitlement document was not getting updated with the new server/database name of the...
MACAD459XZServer - Web Server - Fixed an issue where accessing certain views via URL was not showing the correct documents. This regression was introduced in...
DANOD46JLUServer - ICAP - Fixed an issue where messages were getting stuck in mail.box due to a mismatch in the virus signature version.
MOBND3KU38Server - Entitlement Tracking - Fixed an issue where entitlement tracking was adding a FOUND entry if it was a flat name and not found in the...
DNADD3QMHLServer - Administration - AdminCentral - Fixed an issue where password reset was not taking into account any custom password policy
MOBND4FRLZServer - Directory Services - DirSync - Fixed an issue with DirSync where a misleading message was output about "ERROR - LDAP host address has been...
UMAKD6ECS7Server - JVM - Fixed a crash that could occur if there were too many JAR files in the NDEXT folder - error given 'Number of jar files bigger than MAX...
DDCRD5XHKCServer - Backup - Fixed an issue where the current timeout value for the VSS snapshot post even was set to 60. This has been changed to 180. ...
MOBND3TFNKServer - Database - Fixed a hang that could occur in NIFOpenNote due to a very long loop causing high CPU and hanging a server...
MOBND6CL65Server - Entitlement Collector - Fixed an issue where Entitlement Collector would exit if a group exceeded the nesting level.
DKEND79KHAServer - Security - OIDC - Added support for libraries that require OIDC well-known endpoints to include subject_types_supported
DNADD7MSNLServer - Database - Backup - Fixed an issue where Domino Backup VSS Writer was not triggering a snapshot if Domino directory name started with a...
DDCRD7P8NYServer - Database - Backup - Fixed an issue where database could not be backed up in backupvss mode when the drive letter was in lower...
PSHED6MGLEServer - Web Server - Fixed an issue where, in some cases, response documents were missing in views using the RestrictToCategory option...
Hide details for 14.0 FP114.0 FP1
JTHSCW9DH8Server - Security - Fixed an issue where when DKIM is used by multiple domains and the User is in one domain but the MailDB address is in another...
MOBNCXJSLVServer - Directory - Added a new notes.ini to Dirsync to allow mapping "PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName" field into "Location" field. Set...
MOBNCX6254Server - Directory - Provided a new INI DEBUG_DISABLE_DIRSYNC_SYNC_FULLNAME_ON_RENAME=1 to address a use case where the Dirsync option to not rename...


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